Terms of use iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. Learning Platform
§ 1. The subject of the regulations
1. These Regulations define the terms and conditions for the use of training services provided through the virtual educational platform available at https://e-learning.ismacontrolli.com/, hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”, owned by eTechnologie Sp. z o.o. , and the legal person authorized to use it is iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A., based in Warsaw (02-134), 1 Sierpnia Street 6.
2. Joining the training platform is tantamount to accepting the provisions of these Regulations.
§ 2. Dictionary of terms
Whenever the Regulations refer to:
1) Organizer – it ought to be understood as iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the number 0000809012, Regon 360592757, NIP 5252607299, share capital PLN 100,000;
2) User – it should be understood as a person who has an account on the Platform and uses the Platform’s resources;
4) Platform Administrator – it should be understood as a person appointed by the Organizer to manage the Platform’s resources and responsible for communication with Platform Users;
5) E-learning platform – it ought to be understood as the website https://e-learning.ismacontrolli.com, where e-learning trainings and courses are available;
6) Training and e-learning course – it should be understood as teaching materials posted on the Platform.
§ 3. Copyrights
All recordings, photos, texts, charts, studies, training programs and all other materials posted on the Platform’s websites (except for redirections to articles on external websites) are subject to legal protection and their use is possible only under the provisions of law and in these Regulations. It is not allowed to disseminate materials posted on the Platform’s pages by its users.
§ 4. Processing and protection of personal data
1. In accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council (GDPR), we would like to inform you that the Administrator of the User’s data is iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. Personal data is processed only to the extent necessary for the implementation of e-learning courses. The data will not be shared with third parties. The scope of processing and storage time results from legal regulations. Each natural person has the right to access their personal data, rectify them, delete or limit processing by sending an application to the address support@ismacontrolli.com You can also submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.
The operator of personal data is iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. in accordance with the terms of the agreement for the use of the Platform with eTechnologie Sp. z o.o. Processing of personal data by iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. takes place only in the scope of providing the User with access to the Platform, technical support in the event of problems with access to the Platform and its proper operation, and sending the certificate of completion of the course to the email address provided by the User.
2. By logging in to the Platform, the User consents to the processing of his personal data by the Administrator.
3. The user confirms that he has been informed about his right to access his data as well as correct and delete it, and that the provision of data is voluntary.
4. The obtained data will not be disclosed and transferred to third parties, except when the provision of data is required by law.
5. By accepting the provisions of the Regulations, the User acknowledges that in accordance with the provisions of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219, as amended), the Organizer may process without the consent of the User, his data necessary to establish, shape the content, change and terminate the legal relationship, necessary due to the nature of the service provided electronically, e.g.:
1) user’s first and last name,
2) date of birth of the User,
3) user’s e-mail address,
4) contact telephone number of the User.
§ 5. Technical requirements
1. The hardware requirements for the proper use of the Platform’s resources are:
1) Internet access,
2) current browser: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome,
3) headphone jack or speakers,
4) an active e-mail account.
2. The use of all the Platform’s capabilities requires cookies to be enabled.
3. In the event of any problems related to the functioning of the Training Platform, the User should contact the Organizer: support@ismacontrolli.com, who will take appropriate steps to enable the User to properly use the Platform and participate in training.
§ 6. Registration for the course
- Enrollment for courses can be made on the website https://e-learning.ismacontrolli.com via the registration form.
§ 7. Rules for gaining access to training
1. Using most of the Platform’s resources requires logging in (after prior registration). User registration includes:
1) accepting the terms of these Regulations,
2) correct and complete filling in of the registration form. The User gains access to the full functionality of the Platform after activating the account by the Administrator, about which he is informed via e-mail.
3. iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. is not responsible for the correctness of the User’s data provided during registration. Registered Users may at any time modify/delete their data contained in the ‘My Account’ tab.
4. iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. has the right to refuse to register any user and/or block any user account that violates the provisions of these regulations.
§ 9. Rules for using the training platform
1. It is not allowed to take any actions that would change the way and form of positioning and presentation of materials on the Platform, as well as to take any actions disrupting the functioning of the Platform.
2. The Platform Administrator has the right to block access to the Platform for users who violate these Regulations, post content or undertake actions specified in the above paragraph.
3. The User has no right to provide third parties with the login and password enabling the use of the Platform. The user is obliged to protect the password and login in a way that prevents them from being known by third parties. In the event of a breach of the above provisions, the User is fully responsible for the actions of these persons, and the Platform Administrator has the right to block such User access to the Platform.
§ 10. Responsibility of the Organizer
1. The Organizer is not responsible for any damage caused by the User to the User’s use or inability to use the Training Platform, including data loss, delays in receiving data or delays in data transmission, caused by lack of transmission, incorrect transmission, delays or other interruptions in the provision of services caused by factors beyond the control of the Organizer.
2. The independent factors are in particular:
1) breakdowns of transmission or telephone lines (including international ones), link load, lack of access to the networks of domestic and foreign operators or irregularities in the operation of such telecommunications operators,
2) interruptions in the supply of electricity and failures of technical devices and other such circumstances for which service providers and telecommunications operators are responsible or force majeure, understood as a sudden, unexpected external cause for which the Organizer is not responsible,
3) necessary operational, repair and other breaks of a technical nature.
§ 11. Complaints
1. The Customer may complain about disruptions in the functioning of the Website by reporting the dysfunctions to the Organizer via e-mail, by sending a message to the address support@ismacontrolli.com
2. Complaints will be dealt with on an ongoing basis by the Website service team within no more than 14 days from the date of filing the complaint, however, the Organizer reserves the right to leave the complaint unanswered if it concerns dysfunctions resulting from ignorance of the Regulations, failure by the User to follow the instructions provided to Users on an ongoing basis via the Website or directly by the Administrator.
3. The Administrator reserves the right to interfere with the technical structure of the User Account, understood as a service provided during its creation, only and exclusively to diagnose any irregularities in its functioning, as well as to make changes and in any other way affect the technical side of the Account Service service in order to modify it or restore its proper operation.
§ 12. Certificate of training completion
1. Users who have completed the training are issued a relevant certificate of completion of the training.
2. Users who did not complete the course/training (did not pass the test) are not entitled to a certificate.
3. Certificates of course completion are sent via e-mail to the User’s address provided during registration on the Platform immediately after completing the course/training.
§ 13. Final provisions
1. iSMA CONTROLLI Poland S.A. reserves the right to amend these Regulations. The amended Regulations will be made available to users on the Platform’s pages. The User is obliged to read the changes to the Regulations if he or she uses the Platform’s resources in any way.
2. If the Regulations are not accepted, the User should refrain from using the Platform. If you wish to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data and do not accept the Regulations, the User should immediately notify the Administrator of the website support@ismacontrolli.com
3. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.